दोस्तों....... आज बात करेंगे भगत सिंह की कुछ ऐसी बातों की जो शायद कम ही सुनने में मिलती हैं और कम ही लोगों को पता और बताई जाती हैं। ये भी हो सकता है आप में से कुछ लोगों ने सुनी भी हों। उम्मीद करता हूँ हमेशा की तरह आप क्रांतिकारियों को आज भी ये पसन्द आएगा। भगत सिंह 5 फुट 10 इंच लम्बाई शायद ही किसी को पता हो......गोरा सा रंग ...... हल्की सी दाढ़ी मूंछ और साथ में पगड़ी लगाए। दिमाग इतना तेज की आगे क्या होने वाला है पहले से पता होता था....... राजनीति और लगभग सभी क्रांतिकारियों के बारे में पढ़ चुका होगा। रूसी क्रांति से बेहद प्रभावित और लेनिन के तरीकों से भी बहुत प्रभवित एक ऐसा लड़का जो आगे जाकर भारतीय इतिहास में सबसे बड़ा क्रांतिकारी बना। शायद ही ऐसी कोई किताब और ऐसा कोई क्रान्तिकारी होगा जिसके बारे में भगत ने ना पढ़ा हो...... भगत सिंह के बारे में ऐसी बहुत सी बातें हैं जो शायद हम में से बहुत से लोग नही जानते होंगे। उसमें से एक किस्सा में आप को सुनना चाहता हूँ..... और ये खुद राजगुरु ने कहा था उसकी ये स्टेटमेंट थी कि 5 फुट 10 इंच का गोरा से लड़का जिसके पीछे लड़कियां इतना पागल थी कि उसे लड़कियों से ब...
Very lucky to die ...... Rajguru was so quick to die that he used to say that once I die for the country then I will sleep comfortably. When the boy had to choose a boy to carry the bomb, then Rajguru would be the front. Rajguru- I will go with Bhagat. Pandit ji will be pressed there ..... I have to speak English. Rajguru - I will remember the Bhagat who will speak. Panditji speaking most - why is it so early to die? Rajguru - Once I die for the country and I will sleep comfortably. Pandit ji - everything has all gone. One last episode of Rajguru ........ When all were caught by the police, Rajguru was saved. Then Panditji said that you have survived, now go straight to Pune and do not talk to anybody that you killed sandres. .... Now Rajguru was so boobed ......... so what did he tell everyone what he had done that I had to kill the sandres and could see his gun together. One day went to see the hockey match and got caught there and when he came to the court he used...
Friends ....... today will talk about some of Bhagat Singh's things which are rarely received in the hearing and few people are known and told. This may also happen that some of you may have heard it. Hopefully you will like these revolutionaries as always. Bhagat Singh 5 feet 10 inches length is hardly known to anyone ...... white color ...... light bearded shouldache and turban together. The brain was so intense that what was going to happen ahead of time would have already been known ....... read about politics and almost all the revolutionaries. Strongly influenced by the Russian Revolution and also greatly influenced by Lenin's methods, a boy who went forward and became the biggest revolutionary in Indian history. There will hardly be any such book and any revolutionary about which Bhagat has not read ... There are many things about Bhagat Singh that many people of us probably will not know. One of them wants to hear you in an anecdote ... and it was Rajguru himself w...
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